Maison d Artiste
Unfinished De Stijl Icon
The design for the legendary artist’s house, Maison d’Artiste, is one of the key works of the Dutch avant-garde movement De Stijl. Created in 1923 by painter Theo van Doesburg and architect Cornelis van Eesteren, the design shows what De Stijl aspired to: a new everyday environment through the harmonious fusion of painting and architecture.
Maison d’Artsite. Unfinished De Stijl Icon explores the revolutionary cultural importance of the design and its significance for the history of De Stijl, and discusses the dilemmas surrounding a contemporary realization of the unbuilt design compared with other late realizations of designs by famous twentieth-century architects, such as John Hejduk and Le Corbusier. The wealth of perspectives and illustrations makes Maison d’Artiste a must have reference work for anyone interested in De Stijl and the treatment of the cultural heritage of the Dutch avant-garde.
Blueprint: ‘The book, edited by Dolf Broekhuizen, is organised in three parts: an examination of the cultural-historical significance of the Maison d’Artiste; essays focusing on the design intent of Van Doesburg and Van Eesteren as well as their place in the historical avant-garde; and finally, a section that explores the dilemma of authenticity and arguments for the faithful realization of the Maison d’Artiste.’, Review by Thomas Wensing, in: Blueprint, 2017, nr 351, p. 196-197
Click here: review by Thomas Wensing
Editor: Dolf Broekhuizen
Authors: Dolf Broekhuizen, Ole Bouman, Paul Meurs, Alied Ottevanger, Kees Somer, Wouter Jan Verheul and Michael White.
Publisher: nai010 publishers, Rotterdam, october 2016
Design: Lex Reitsma
Contents: Click here to read the Contents of Maison d Artiste (pdf 0,7 MB)
D. Broekhuizen (ed.), Maison d Artiste. Unfinished De Stijl Icon, Rotterdam 2016; (also published as: Maison d Artiste. Onvoltooid icoon van De Stijl)
With support from: EFL Stichting, Harten Fonds, Ted Schutten Fonds beheerd door Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, de Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, De Gijselaar-Hintzenfonds