Inclusive Education
In September 2021 and 2022, architecture students from Vilnius Technical University worked on design research for school buildings that fit more inclusive education. This important topic is urgent because of new inclusive education laws that will start in 2024. The students worked on literature research and design proposals for schools in Lithuania to ensure more inclusive education. Several students worked on schools that are more suited to the various forms of special needs education. Such as people with a visual impairment, asthmatic children, children with autism, or children with behavioral or learning problems. Another team worked on increasing the accessibility of schools for user groups with varied social backgrounds, economic status or gender. The starting point were existing standardized school buildings from the sixties and seventies in Vilnius. How to make these buildings more inclusive?
Visiting Professor Dr. Dolf Broekhuizen was tutorĀ during the two workshops and gave lectures.
Project: Workshop School Buildings for Inclusive Education
Lecture: School Buildings for Special Needs Education; Inclusive Education
Team: Prof.Dr. Dolf Broekhuizen; Assoc.Prof. Dr.Ir. Edita Riaubienne; Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ir. Liutauras Nekrosius
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Client: Vilnius Technical University, Vilnius Tech, Faculty of Architecture, Vilnius, Lithuania
Period: september 2021, september 2022
Download: For an impression 2021 click here: School Buildings for Inclusive Education (pdf: 2,6 MB)
Download: For an impression 2022 click here: School buildings for more inclusion (pdf: 5,2 MB)